About the Department:

Electrical Engineering is a fascinating and rewarding field of study with many opportunities to solve key engineering problems. The Electrical Engineering Department at Arya College of Engineering - ACE inculcates in the students’ skills to understand, apply and analyze the underlying electrical principles through comprehensive curriculum of Electrical Machines, Electrical and Electronic Network, Control and Power Systems etc.

It is fascinating due to its government-job employability specifically in the Power/Energy sector. The graduates of the department venture out for a wide range of organizations including reputed MNC's like Torrent Gas, Cape Electric India Pvt. Ltd., Desire Energy Solutions, Pinnacle, Wipro, Tech Mahindra Etc. PSU's (PGCIL, BHEL, BARC, etc.), Armed Forces and Indian Engineering Services (IES).

The department has well qualified & experienced faculty. It nurtures the students so as to perform at high academic level. State of the art laboratories provide hands-on training to the students of Electrical Engineering. Special classes are also arranged for good understanding of the complex subjects. Classroom teaching is supported by video lectures and PPTs. The Department of Electrical Engineering has an advisory committee from amongst the teaching members, which meets at least once in a semester to review and evaluate performance of the department and offer advice in needed areas. Arya is one of the . top Electrical Engineering colleges in Jaipur.

Vision And Mission:

Vision: To be recognized as a premier department of electrical engineering, by promoting quality education, specialized knowledge in the field of electrical engineering along with interdisciplinary awareness thereby nurturing talented professionals who are equipped to meet the dynamic challenges of the global economy.

Mission:To provide enriching academic environment that enhances the teaching-learning process, enabling students to acquire in-depth knowledge and practical skills in electrical engineering, while nurturing creativity, innovation, and develop students for their superior employability, to pursue research and higher studies.

Message By HOD:

Engineering plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of technology and innovation. It encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines, from power systems and electronics to telecommunications and control systems. We are making best efforts to produce highly trained and capable engineers who can take up the challenges of the real world. Our major emphasis of imparting technical training to encourage curiosity and innovativeness among our students and lay a foundation from where they can acquire quick learning ability and adaptively with the fast-changing needs of the industry.

Our department consists of various laboratories equipped with the new technological set ups giving the scope to all students having a hands-on experience individually, which will increase their confidence to face the practical problems in the field of Electrical Engineering. The department comprises of best of faculty from industries and academia to help bridge the gap and groom the best talent for the industries.

We continue to play a leading role in our discipline which leads us towards creating innovative and effective professional graduate community. I extend my warm wishes to all budding Electrical Engineering.

HOD, Electrical Deparment

State of the Art Labs:

The department has following well equipped laboratories which not only fulfill requirement of RTU curriculum but also provide ample opportunities to the students to carry out their project and seminar assignments as well as to undertake any research work:

  • High Voltage Lab

  • Embedded System Lab

  • PLC Lab

  • Control System & Advance Control System Lab

  • Power System-II and Modelling & Simulation Lab

  • Electric Drive Lab

  • Power Electronics Lab

  • Smart Grid Lab

  • Energy System Lab

  • Electrical Machine Lab

  • Electrical Measurement Lab

  • Power System Protection Lab

  • Basic Electrical Lab

High Voltage Lab
Power Electronics Lab
Advance Power Electronics lab
Basic Electrical Lab
Microprocessor Lab
Electronics devices and Circuit Lab
MAT Lab for Control Systems and PLC Circuits
Electrical Drives and their Control Lab
Digital Electronics Lab

Syllabus & Scheme

S.No. Description Download
1 III and IV Semester View
2 V and VI Semester View
3 VII and VIII Semester View

Department Specializations:

a) Focus Area:

  • Generation, Transmission & Distribution

  • Electrical Machine Design

  • Power System Engineering

  • Power Electronics

  • Switch Gear & Protection

  • Control System Engineering

  • Circuit Theory & Analysis

b) Digital Notes:

The Department has digital notes with videos as well as hard copy Notes on all the subjects relevant to RTU syllabus. These notes have been prepared by highly experienced faculty. The Digital notes can be found on "aryanotes.com"

c) Student Development (SDC) and Campus Recruitment Training (CRT)s:

SDC is a group of professionals that provides regular inputs for complete development of students and making them prepare to face competitions and future challenges.


I. Preparation:-

To prepare undergraduate students with appropriate blend of theoretical foundations, experimentation & technical implementation to comprehend and pinpoint problems in the field of electrical Engineering to excel in postgraduate programs or to succeed in industry / technical profession.

II. Core competence:-

To provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals required to solve electrical engineering problems and also to pursue higher studies. Student will be able to employ his knowledge along with necessary techniques & tools for modern engineering applications.

III. Breadth:-

To train students with good scientific and electrical engineering breadth so as to comprehend, analyze, design, and create novel products and solutions for the real-life problems in the present electrical system.

IV. Professionalism:-

To inculcate in students professional and ethical attitude, Communication Skills, teamwork Skills, computer programming skill and an ability to relate electrical engineering issues to broader social context.

V. Learning Environment:-

To provide student with an academic environment aware of excellence, leadership, and the life-long learning needed for a successful professional career through independent studies, thesis, internships etc.

List of Program Outcomes


Engineering Knowledge:

Apply knowledge of mathematics and science, with fundamentals of Engineering to be able to solve complex engineering problems related.


Problem Analysis:

Identify, Formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems and reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences


Design/Development of solutions:

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural societal and environmental considerations.


Conduct Investigations of Complex problems:

Use research–based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.


Modern Tool Usage:

Create, Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.


The Engineer and Society:

Apply Reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.


Environment and Sustainability:

Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts sustainable development.



Apply Ethical Principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice


Individual and Team Work:

Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary Settings



Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large such write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.


Project Management and Finance:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi disciplinary environments.


Life-Long Learning:

Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcome


Ability to utilize logical and technical skills to model, simulate and analyse electrical components and systems.


Empowering to provide socially acceptable technical solutions to real time electrical engineering problems with the application of modern and appropriate techniques for sustainable development.

Course Outcomes (COs)

S.No. Course Code Course Title Course Outcomes (COs)
1 3EE2-01 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
  • CO1:Explain the concept of operators, finite differences, and interpolation .
  • CO2:Apply Numerical methods to solve first order Ordinary Differential Equations and Algebraic and Transcendental equations .
  • CO3:Use Laplace Transforms and Fourier transforms in engineering applications. .
  • CO4:Determine the solution of difference equations by use of the Z transform. .
  • CO5: Understand complex variables, analytic functions, and Conformal Transformations.
2 3EE1-02 Technical Communication
  • CO1:Students learn the importance, nuances, and aspects of communication.
  • CO2:Graduates learn the art and science behind reading, how can one develop the skill and use it to one’s benefit? .
  • CO3:Graduates learn the art and science of objective writing/business/scientific writing..
  • CO4:Graduates learn the importance, characteristics, and format of Technical document like reports, proposals, and articles.
3 3EE3-04 Power Generation Process
  • CO1: To Understand the basic knowledge, workings, and principles of Thermal, Hydro, Gas and Nuclear Power Plants
  • CO2:To Understand the Effect of Thermal, Hydro, Gas, and Nuclear Power Plants in the environment and to understand Renewable sources (Solar, Wind, and Tidal) working and Principle.
  • CO3:To understand and prepare different types of Load and Load Curves. To solve different load problems.
  • CO4:To understand the cause and effect of the Power factor, techniques to improve the power factor.
  • CO5:To understand the economics of stabilizing a Power plant.
  • CO6:To understand and learn the different types of tariffs used by electrical utilities.
  • CO7:To learn and understand, how to select the site for a power plant and reserve capacity of a plant.
4 3EE4-05 Electrical Circuit Analysis
  • CO1:Solve simple electrical networks using various network theorems. This will create a strong base for the basic concepts of electrical circuit analysis for fighting various competitive examinations. .
  • CO2:Solve complex first-order and second-order networks considering different responses using some mathematical equations. This will help in a complete time-dependent analysis of the network.
  • CO3:Analyze AC circuits and understand the characteristics of a steady-state sinusoidal waveform. Calculate three-phase power in star and delta connections. This will enhance the knowledge of AC circuit analysis and mathematics involved in its power calculation. .
  • CO4:Analyze electrical circuits using some mathematical tools like the Laplace transform. This will help in various undergraduate subjects such as control systems. .
  • CO5:Have a basic understanding of two port networks, their different parameters, interconnections, and the relationship of two port variables..
5 3EE4-06 Analog Electronics
  • CO1:Understand the working principle of PN junction diode and its applications. .
  • CO2:Understand the workings of BJT and its applications .
  • CO3: Understand the workings of JFET and MOSFET.
  • CO4:Analysis and design of Differential, multi-stage, and operational amplifiers
  • CO5:Analysis and design of Linear applications of op-amp. Analysis and design of Nonlinear applications of op-amp.
6 3EE4-07 Electrical Machine-I
  • CO1: Visualize magnetic circuits, energy conversion, magnetic flux lines, and laws related to magnetic and electrical circuits..
  • CO2: Analyse electromagnetic force, torque, B-H curve relationship, flux-linkage v/s current characteristic of linear and non-linear magnetic circuits..
  • CO3: Illustrate DC machines by including the principle, operation, basic construction, and armature reaction and by derivation of EMF equation and Torque equations. .
  • CO4:Examine the DC machine's characteristics as a DC motor and as a DC generator and describe various tests on the DC motor, speed control, losses, load testing, and back-to-back testing on DC machines. .
  • CO5:Explain the construction and principle of a transformer, its phasor diagram at no-load & loading conditions; types of three-phase connections, phase sequence, harmonic and its effect on the operation of a transformer; learn Scott connection & 3 to 6 phase conversion, Tap changing in transformer and its cooling. .
7 3EE4-08 Electromegnetic Field
  • CO1: Solve mathematical problems in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinate systems..
  • CO2:Apply basics of electrostatics in different coordinate systems and analyze the behavior of electric field in conductor, dielectric, and interfaces..
  • CO3: Solve magnetostatics of circuits using basic relations to analyze the effect of magnetic forces, and materials and calculate its inductance..
  • CO4: Ability to solve electromagnetic problems using Maxwell’s equations in time-varying fields.
  • CO5: Investigate the behavior of EM waves in different media and calculate the average power density radiateds.
8 3EE4-21 Analog Electronics Lab
  • CO1: Communicate with the engineering community in written and oral forms..
  • CO2:Develop the Ability to understand the design and working of BJT / FET amplifiers
  • CO3:Record, observe, and analyze the effect of variation in R & C on oscillator frequency in the case of Wein bridge oscillator and transistor phase shift oscillator/li>
  • CO4:Record, observe, and analyze the effect of variation of C on oscillator frequency for the Hartley and Colpitts oscillator.
  • CO5:Record, observe, and analyze the characteristics of UJT and UJT as a relaxation oscillator .
9 3EE4-22 ElectricalMachine-I Lab
  • CO1:Students can gain the basic concept of transformers and DC machines.
  • CO2:Students can understand the knowledge of transformers and DC machines, so they can apply it in the field of electrical engineering. .
  • CO3:Students can test the transformer and DC machine.
10 3EE4-23 Electrical Circuit Design Lab
  • CO1: Record and analyze data sheet reading. Use tools requiring cognitive knowledge and apply this knowledge to soldering-desoldering processes..
  • CO2: Simulate different circuits (bipolar junction transistor, unijunction transistor, half and full bridge rectifier, regulated power supply, multivibrator) and validate their characteristic on the breadboard..
  • CO3: Evaluate real-time quantities using sensors in different processes (proximity, accelerometer, pressure, etc.)
  • CO4: Implement hardware of different control circuits (temperature control and DC motor speed control).
  • CO5: Simulate different circuits (frequency divider, battery voltage level indicator, buck-boost circuit) and validate their characteristic on breadboard or PCB..
11 4EE2-01 Biology
  • CO1:Demonstrate a working knowledge of the foundational concepts of biology, including cellular, organismic, ecological, and evolutionary biology. .
  • CO2: Rigorously and ethically apply the scientific methods to questions in biology by formulating testable hypotheses..
  • CO3:Gathering and analyzing data to assess the degree to which they support the hypotheses..
12 4EE1-03 Managerial Economics and Financial Accounting
  • CO1: Graduates gain the ability to apply the knowledge of managerial and economic concepts and the ability to apply the tools and techniques..
  • CO2: Ability to understand demand and supply analysis and to Know the implementation of demand forecasting methods for production decisions and cost analysis..
  • CO3:Ability to understand the production and cost analysis of the firm. Understanding of types of markets and pricing methods and understanding the techniques regarding long-term investment decisions. .
  • CO4: Ability to understand the application of various ratios and methods of analyzing the firm to know the firm’s financial position in depth and to understand different techniques of capital budgeting. To be able to conduct inter-firm and intra-firm comparisions..
13 4EE3-04 Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation
  • CO1: Students will be able to gain knowledge about measuring instruments in electrical power systems. Also, they will be equipped with the knowledge of types of instruments and their applications in the measurement of current, voltage, power, and energy.
  • CO2: Students will understand the measurement of 3 phases active and reactive power and energy. They will be equipped with the knowledge of instrument transformers, their errors, and applications in power systems..
  • CO3: Students will understand the construction, operation, working, and application of AC and DC potentiometers for the measurement of unknown voltages and resistances.
  • CO4: Students will understand the classification of resistances into low, medium, and high resistances. Students will then be able to know different methods to measure each category of resistances- low, medium, and high. Students will also know about the measurement of earth resistances..
  • CO5: Students will be able to gain knowledge about AC bridges which are used for the measurement of AC quantities like capacitance, inductance, and frequency. They will also know about the Wagner Earth Device..
14 4EE4-05 Electrical Machine -II
  • CO1:Graduates can understand the working and construction of AC machines, different types of windings and winding distribution factors, and the fundamentals of AC machines.
  • CO2:Graduates will be able to learn constant and pulsating magnetic fields, alternating current in windings with spatial displacement, and different techniques to find magnetic fields.
  • CO3:Graduates can gain the ability to understand construction, working, characteristics, and different types of induction motors..
  • CO4:Graduates gain the ability to understand constructional features, double-revolving theory, determination of parameters, split-phase starting methods, and applications of single-phase induction motors.
  • CO5:Graduates can understand constructional features, equivalent circuit and phasor diagram, armature reaction, synchronous impedance, voltage regulation, operating, characteristics, V- Curve of synchronous machines
15 4EE4-06 Power Electronics
  • CO1:Graduates gain the ability to understand the basics of power electronics and understand the semiconductor devices and their characteristics which will help them to differentiate between devices and components
  • CO2:Graduates analyze and understand the rectification and control rectification techniques and their applications in future electrical drives and their control.
  • CO3:Graduates gain the ability to visualize the concept of Buck converters, and their analysis and can learn to draw the waveforms .
  • CO4:Graduates gain the ability to visualize the concept of Boost converters, and its analysis and can learn to draw the waveforms. .
  • CO5:Graduates can understand the concept of a Single-phase voltage source inverter and its applications.
  • CO6:Graduates can understand the concept of a three-phase voltage source inverter and its applications.
16 4EE4-07 Signals & Systems
  • CO1:Students can apply the knowledge of math to analyze signals
  • CO2:Students can Analyse the spectral characteristics of continuous-time periodic and a periodic signal using Fourier analysis
  • CO3:Students can Classify systems based on their properties and determine the response of the LSI system using convolution
  • CO4:Students can Analyse system properties based on impulse response and Fourier analysis. .
  • CO5: Students can Apply the Laplace transform and Z-transform for the analysis of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems..
17 4EE4-08 Digital Electronics
  • CO1: Apply the principles of number system, binary codes, and Boolean algebra to minimize logic expressions and knowledge about various logic gates.
  • CO2:Develop K-maps and apply Quine Mc Cluskey’s method to minimize and optimize logic functions up to 4 variables .
  • CO3: Acquire knowledge about various logic families and analyze the basic logic gate circuits of these families..
  • CO4:Design various combinational circuits such as Adders, encoders, decoders, and multiplexers .
18 4EE4-21 Electrical Machine - II Lab
  • CO1: Students can gain the basic concepts of induction machines and synchronous machines.
  • CO2:Students can understand the knowledge of induction machines and synchronous machines, so they can apply it in the field of electrical engineering.
  • CO3: Students can test the induction machines and synchronous machines.
19 4EE4-22 Power Electronics Lab
  • CO1: Understand the operation of power electronic devices and their applications..
  • CO2: Analyze the I-V characteristics of SCR, DIAC, and TRIAC.
  • CO3:Analyze the characteristics of MOSFET, IGBT, and UJT .
  • CO4:Illustrate the functioning of rectifiers and firing circuits.
  • CO5: Distinguish the speed control of DC motors using converters..
20 4EE4-23 Digital Electronics Lab
  • CO1: Students are able to understand the process & working of digital electronics and their logic along with applications..
  • CO2:Students are able to design & analyze combinational & sequential circuits. .
  • CO3:Students are able to understand the behavior of different digital electronic components. .
21 4EE3-24 Computer Architecture
  • CO1:Student are able to understand the measurement of various quantities in electrical circuits. .
  • CO2: Student are able to understand the wide Practical knowledge as theoretical concept of electrical measurement..
  • CO3: Students are able to understand the calibration of voltmeter, ammeter .
22 5EE3-01 Electrical Materials
  • CO1:The classical theory of electrical and thermal conduction in solids, temperature dependence of resistivity .
  • CO2:The dielectric constant of mono-atomic gases, poly-atomic molecules and solids, Internal field in solids and liquids, Properties of Ferro-Electric materials, Polarization, Piezoelectricity, Frequency dependence of Electronic and Ionic .
  • CO3: Magnetic Material Classification, Ferromagnetic Origin, Curie-Weiss Law, Soft and Hard Magnetic Materials, Superconductivity and its origin, Zero resistance .
  • CO4:critical current density Ohm’s law and relaxation time of electrons, collision time and mean free path, electron scattering .
  • CO5:The resistivity of metals temperature dependence, Carrier density, and energy gap, Trends in materials used in Electrical Equipment .
23 5EE4-02 Power System-I
  • CO1: Ability to design and analyze the real-time electrical transmission system concerning various electrical parameters considering environmental and economic obligations
  • CO2:Develop the ability to implement the appropriate safety equipment for design of electrical power system with enhancing the efficiency of the transmission and distribution system with environment-friendly technology. .
  • CO3: Understand the Generation of Over-voltages, Lightning and Switching Surges, Protection against Overvoltages..
  • CO4: Understand the Method of Symmetrical Components Balanced and Unbalanced Faults, Computation of Fault Currents, Switchgear, Types of Circuit Breakers. Attributes of Protection Schemes.
  • CO5: Understand the DC Transmission Systems, characteristics of PV panels, Wind Energy Systems, Power curve of wind turbine, Power Electronics interfaces of wind generators to the grid..
24 5EE4-03 Control System
  • CO1:Students will learn about the use of a control system and the modeling of a physical system
  • CO2:Students will learn about feedback control, time and frequency response, and the concept of stability. .
  • CO3: Students will learn about various controllers which will help students to know the importance of control systems..
  • CO4: To introduce students to the advanced control system and its concepts and applications..
  • CO5:Students will gain knowledge about optical and non-linear controlling concepts. .
25 5EE4-04 Microprocesor
  • CO1: Acquire the knowledge of fundamentals of microprocessors and microcontroller architecture and comparison between them.
  • CO2: Apply knowledge and demonstrate programming proficiency using the various addressing modes and instructions set of the target microcontroller.
  • CO3: Understand the memory expansion and interfacing of peripheral devices such as ADC, DAC, timers, counters, etc..
  • CO4: Acquire the knowledge of synchronous and asynchronous communication and interfacing with protocols like blue-tooth, etc..
  • CO5: Design electrical circuitry to the microcontroller I/O ports to interface the processor to external devices.
26 5EE4-05 Electrical Machine Design
  • CO1: To introduce students to various considerations required in designing electrical machines..
  • CO2: To introduce the student to component designs of machines like transformers, induction motors synchronous machines, etc..
  • CO3: Students will gain knowledge about sub-component designing of the main components of a power system.
  • CO4:Students will gain knowledge about the structure of modern machines..
  • CO5: Students will gain knowledge about Computer-aided Design, needs, and applications..
  • CO6:Students will gain knowledge about the concept of both traditional and modern designing of machines.s.
27 5EE5-11 Restructured Power System
  • CO1: Grasp the knowledge of the need for restructuring of power system, different entities in a deregulated environment, different marketplace mechanisms, and reasons and objectives of deregulation of various power systems across all..
  • CO2: Acquire knowledge of basic concepts of economics and apply them to solve practical applications through numerical analysis.
  • CO3: Grasp the knowledge of various market models, levels of competition that exist among these models, and features of electricity as a commodity..
  • CO4: Acquire the knowledge, importance, effects, and classification of Congestion Management methods and be able to calculate ATC using different mechanisms.
  • CO5: Gain information about various ancillary services and markets for these services in National and International scenarios..
  • CO6: Familiar with different pricing mechanisms of electric energy and trading of power under a deregulated environment and also know about how to access market power through different indices.
28 5EE4-21 Power System -I Lab
  • CO1: Students can test the Dielectric strength of Insulating Material.
  • CO2: Students can estimate the performance of the Transmission Line and Distribution line..
  • CO3: Students can test the high-voltage electrical equipment.
29 5EE4-22 Control System lab
  • CO1: Simulate, and analyze system behaviour using software simulator/hardware.
  • CO2: Design compensators, filters, and controllers to meet the desired performance of the system.
  • CO3: Design, and analysis of Ist and 2nd order Electrical circuits.
30 5EE4-23 Microprocesor Lab
  • CO1: Describe the hardware, functions, memory structure, and operation of the 8085 Microprocessor kit..
  • CO2: Perform integer division: (1) 8-bit by 8-bit (2) 16-bit by 8-bit, multiply two8–bit numbers, reverse bits of an 8-bit number, and perform conversion BCD to ASCII as well as BCD to hexadecimal..
  • CO3: Transfer a block of data in memory to another place in memory, Transfer a block to another location in reverse order, and Sort the array in (1) Ascending order (2) Descending order.
  • CO4: Search a number in an array and insert a number at the correct place in a sorted array. Write a Program to generate and sum 15 Fibonacci numbers, a Program for rolling display of the message “India”, and “HELLO”..
  • CO5:Transfer data on output ports 8155 & 8255 & implement disco light, running light, and sequential lights, transfer Parallel data between two DYNA-85 kits using 8253 ports
31 5EE4-24 System Programming Lab
  • CO1:Students will be able to learn all the basics of MATLAB like plotting graphs, scripts and functions, global variables, loops, ordinary differential equations, etc.
  • CO2: Students will learn about the basics of simulations in MATLAB
  • CO3:Students will then be able to apply the knowledge gained in MATLAB basics and simulations basics to solve problems of power systems. .
32 5EE7-30 Industrial Training
  • CO1: Understand the Organizational Structure of a company.
  • CO2: Expose to a work environment, common practices, employment opportunities, and work ethics in the relevant field..
  • CO3: Develop written communication and technical report writing skills.
33 6EE3-01 Computer Architecture
  • CO1: ThGraduates gain the ability to understand the Architecture and function of Computer Systems and the ability to perform computer arithmetic operations on fixed and floating-point numbers.
  • CO2: Graduates gain the ability to visualize the concept of memory through the presentation of the hardware requirement for cache memory and a virtual memory system.
  • CO3: Graduates gain the ability to understand Input / Output Organization and modes of data transfer using DMA & IOP..
  • CO4: Graduates gain the ability to understand 8086 microprocessors and their addressing modes, and instruction sets.
  • CO5: Graduates gain the ability to understand pipelining and their reliability, Different architectures like VLIW Soc And MIPS..
34 6EE4-02 Power System -II
  • CO1: Students will understand the calculation of load density and various numerical methods for the solution of non-linear equations.. load flow analysis using various methods, and load, and generator specification.
  • CO2: Students will know, how the loss coefficients affect the economic load dispatch and stability constraints, the impacts of stability constraints on the power system, and analysis of the stability of the power system using equal area criteria and other numerical methods.
  • CO3: Students will learn about the controlling of parameters of power systems like control of frequency and control of voltage using various FACTS devices and required compensation techniques.
  • CO4: Students will learn various monitoring and controlling of Power System components using various measurement tools and software. Students will also be aware of different system security assessments and analyses in power systems.
  • CO5: Students will learn, financing methods in the power sector. Students will also learn different pricing mechanisms of electric energy and trading of power under a deregulated environment.
35 6EE4-03 Power System Protection
  • CO1: Restate the fundamentals of fault analysis, power system protection, and the components involved in power system protection..
  • CO2: Describe the concepts of under-frequency, under-voltage and df/dt relays, wide area measurement system, and over-current protection.
  • CO3: Summarize the protection schemes for power system components..
  • CO4: Explain the implementation of the digital protection scheme with the help of signal processing techniques..
  • CO5: Explain the simulation of protection schemes by using Electro-Magnetic Transients (EMT) programs..
36 6EE4-04 Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing
  • CO1: To facilitate the students to achieve a clear conceptual understanding of technical and commercial aspects of energy conservation.
  • CO2: To facilitate the students to achieve a clear understanding of energy efficiency in various sectors of power system.
  • CO3: To facilitate the students to achieve a clear conceptual understanding of energy auditing.
  • CO4: To enable students to develop managerial skills to assess the feasibility of alternative approaches and drive strategies regarding energy conservation and energy auditing..
  • CO5: To enable students to understand energy-efficient technologies in power systems.
37 6EE4-05 Electrical Drives
  • CO1:To provide the students with the fundamental concepts of drives and types of drives used in traction.
  • CO2: To impart knowledge on the Performance of the fundamental control practices associated with AC and DC machines (starting, reversing, braking, plugging, etc.) using power electronics
  • CO3: To impart industry-oriented learning.
  • CO4: Students will learn about the characteristics and control of machines..
38 6EE5-11 Power System Planning
  • CO1: To understand the objectives of power system planning, planning tools, regulations Forecasting, and its techniques.
  • CO2: To implement the importance of the power system reliability by doing reliability calculations, and reliability criteria for a power system..
  • CO3:To understand the planning of the power generation with a calculation of Loss of Load, Outage Rate, Capacity Expansion, Scheduled Outage, and Loss of Energy and to be ensured under Emergency Assistance..
  • CO4: To understand the planning of the power transmission & distribution system with the network configuration, System & Load Point Indices, and Interruption Indices as well as various evaluation techniques affecting Disconnects, Protection failures, of Transferring Loads..
  • CO5: To understand the computer-aided design planning for the demand side benefitted with the power wheeling & reactive compensation with knowing the environmental and technological effects..
39 6EE4-21 Power System - II Lab
  • CO1: Evaluate the various parameters of a power system network (min 3 bus) using different load flow techniques..
  • CO2: Investigate the transient stability of the power system network (min 3 bus)..
  • CO3: Find optimal power flow with the help of analytical and iterative methods.
  • CO4: Design a power system network (min 3 bus) and analyze the severity of various types of faults.
  • CO5: Comprehend the necessity of limits of voltage and overload in the power system and perform the voltage and overload security analysis of the power system network
40 6EE4-22 Electric Drive Lab
  • CO1: Apply the concept to analyze the characteristics of thyristor-controlled DC Drives..
  • CO2: Students will be able to assess the performance of three-phase AC controllers (with R and R-L load), Dual converter, and cycloconverter..
  • CO3: Students will be able to control the speed of a 3-phase BLDC, PMSM motor..
  • CO4: Analysis of a 3-phase controlled bridge converter with R and RL loads to improve the power quality..
41 6EE4-23 Power System Protection Lab
  • CO1: Identify the challenges and solutions to industrial power system protection problems..
  • CO2: Select the appropriate protection schemes for various applications.
  • CO3: Identify, apply, and calculate settings for overcurrent, directional overcurrent, distance, differential, and pilot protection schemes..
  • CO4: Identify, apply, and calculate settings for power lines, transformer, generator, and bus bar protection schemes..
42 6EE4-24 Modelling And Simulation Lab
  • CO1: Develop skills to apply simulation and Modelling software to construct and execute electrical machines..
  • CO2:Able to design FACTS controller for SMIB systems..
  • CO3: Interpret the model and apply the results to resolve critical issues in a real-world environment.
  • CO4: Describe the role of important elements of discrete event simulation and modeling paradigm..
43 7EE5-11 Wind and Solar Energy Systems.
  • CO1: Study and understand the physics behind wind power with their probability functions..
  • CO2: Study the working of different wind-generator Topologies.
  • CO3: Understand the solar geometry and availability of solar energy.
  • CO4: Formulation of different MPPT algorithms for wind energy systems..
  • CO5: Explain the need for a hybrid energy system and the issues with it..
  • CO6: Study and understand the various types of solar thermal power generation systems..
44 7ME6-60.2 Quality Management
  • CO1: To understand the concept of Quality.
  • CO2: To understand the Implication of Quality on Business.
  • CO3: To Implement Quality Implementation Program.
  • CO4: To have exposure to challenges in Quality Improvement Programs.
45 7EE4-21 Embedded Systems Lab
  • CO1: Student will acquire knowledge about the fundamentals of microcontrollers and its operation
  • CO2: Students will acquire basic Knowledge of programming to perform a specific task.
  • CO3: Students will acquire knowledge of various circuit connections on breadboards..
  • CO4: Students will develop Programming skills in embedded systems for various applications.
46 7EE4-22 Advance control system lab
  • CO1: Represent a system in MATLAB(in the form of a transfer function) considering its zeros, poles, and gain.
  • CO2: Analyze the plots of time and frequency responses of SISO and MIMO systems..
  • CO3: Analyze the response of the RLC circuit. Assess gain and phase margin to examine the effect of stability margins on closed-loop response characteristics of a control system.
  • CO4: Analyze the Time Domain response analysis of first and second-order systems
  • CO5: Design a lead-lag compensator for the given system.
47 7EE7-30 Industrial Training
  • CO1: Understand the Organizational Structure of a company.
  • CO2: Expose to a work environment, common practices, employment opportunities, and work ethics in the relevant field..
  • CO3: Develop written communication and technical report writing skills.
48 8EE4-11 HVDC Transmission System
  • CO1: Demonstrate the implementation benefits of HVDC transmission over EHVAC transmission concerning economics, performance, and technological developments from LCC to VSC-based systems.
  • CO2: Illustrate the detailed performance analysis of LCC and VSC converter-valve operation with the study of relevant PWM techniques used in VSCs.
  • CO3: Derive and analyze the HVDC link control techniques for managing power flow, reactive power control, and voltage regulation in LCC and VSC-based HVDC systems.
  • CO4: Analyze the applicability and performance of filters, reactors, insulators & circuit breakers with the converter control strategies during faults in HVDC LCC and VSC systems..
  • CO5: Demonstrate the performance analysis for stability enhancement and power modulation of synchronous and asynchronous HVDC links along with MTDC system controls.
49 8AG6-60.1 Energy Management
  • CO1: To understand Energy Basics; Energy Demand Management, Conservation & Resource Development, and Energy for Sustainable Development..
  • CO2: To introduce with Need for Energy Management by Sector- Industry, Buildings & Houses, Transport, Electric Power.
  • CO3: Need for Energy Management by Sector- Agriculture, Domestic; Energy forecasting techniques; Energy Integration, Energy Matrix.
  • CO4: Energy Auditing; Energy management for cleaner production, application of renewable energy, and appropriate technologies..
50 8EE4-21 Energy Systems Lab
  • CO1: It gives knowledge of V-I characteristics of solar cells, solar Charge controller, PWM, and MPPT with boost converter and algorithms..
  • CO2: It gives a study of wind turbine generators with DC generators, DFIG, and PMSG.
  • CO3: Provides knowledge of Simulation on Intelligent Controllers for on-grid and off-grid Hybrid Power Systems, and hybrid wind-solar power generation systems using simulation software.
  • CO4: Study different components of microgrid.
51 8EE7-50 Project
  • CO1: Study literature survey and technical prerequisites of the selected project topic..
  • CO2: Predict the challenges in the practical implementation of the project hardware/software and draft their possible alternate solutions..
  • CO2: Design engineering solutions to complex problems utilizing an engineering approach..
  • CO2: Practically fabricate/implement, test /debug, and run/simulate the project (hardware/software).


B.Tech 2022-Batch
Placement List-2022
B.Tech 2021-Batch
Placement List-2021
B.Tech 2019-2020 Batch
S.No. Year Name Roll No. Company Name
1 2019-2020 ABHAY KUMAR 16EAIEE002 Capgemini
2 2019-2020 DHAWAL OZA 16EAIEE018 Capgemini
3 2019-2020 DRISHTY MAHAJAN 16EAIEE019 Capgemini
4 2019-2020 NEHA JANGID 16EAIEE046 Capgemini
5 2019-2020 PRASHANT PANDIT 16EAIEE050 Capgemini
6 2019-2020 SANJANA KUMAWAT 16EAIEE061 Capgemini
7 2019-2020 SHIVAM TINKER 16EAIEE065 Capgemini
8 2019-2020 RAJEEV KATYAYANI 16EAIEE056 Pinnacle Market
9 2019-2020 KISHAN LAL 16EAIEE030 Pinnacle Market
10 2019-2020 CHHOTU KUMAR 16EAIEE014 Pinnacle Market
11 2019-2020 HIMANSHU PAL 16EAIEE026 Pinnacle Market
12 2019-2020 JUHI SUMAN 16EAIEE028 Pinnacle Market
13 2019-2020 ANKIT KUMAR 16EAIEE008 Pinnacle Market
14 2019-2020 AMAN KUMAR 16EAIEE005 Genus Power
15 2019-2020 RAMESH KUMAR SHARMA 16EAIEE058 Pinnacle-2
16 2019-2020 SACHIN SINGH 16EAIEE203 Rannlab
17 2019-2020 DEVKI NANDAN MEENA 16EAIEE017 Adastra Softwares
18 2019-2020 GIRIRAJ SHARMA 16EAIEE021 Adastra Softwares
19 2019-2020 HARSHIT SALVI 16EAIEE023 Adastra Softwares
20 2019-2020 KISHAN LAL MOGIA 16EAIEE031 Adastra Softwares
21 2019-2020 NISHANT TYAGI 16EAIEE047 Adastra Softwares
22 2019-2020 ASHISH FAGERIA 16EAIEE010 Dekho Network Pvt. Ltd.
23 2019-2020 GOVIND SINGH JADOUN 16EAIEE022 Dekho Network Pvt. Ltd.
24 2019-2020 LAXMI SAIN 16EAIEE034 Dekho Network Pvt. Ltd.
25 2019-2020 RAKESH SAINI 16EAIEE057 Dekho Network Pvt. Ltd.
26 2019-2020 KHUSHBOO GUPTA 16EAIEE029 Kukars Infotech
27 2019-2020 MADHURAM 16EAIEE037 Kukars Infotech
28 2019-2020 PAWAN SHARMA 16EAIEE048 Kukars Infotech
29 2019-2020 PRINCE KUMAWAT 16EAIEE051 Kukars Infotech
30 2019-2020 SATYENDRA KUMAR SHARMA 16EAIEE063 Kukars Infotech
31 2019-2020 KARAN DHAWARIYA 16EAIEE400 Kukars Infotech
32 2019-2020 IMRAN ANSARI 16EAIEE027 LBF Travel
33 2019-2020 MAHESH GAUTAM 16EAIEE038 LBF Travel
34 2019-2020 GANPAT LAL SAINI 16EAIEE020 Rannlab
35 2019-2020 RAVI KANT VERMA 16EAIEE059 Rannlab

B.Tech 2018-2019 Batch
S.No. Year Name Roll No. Company Name
1 2018-2019 AJEET SINGH SHEKHAWAT 15EAIEE007 Arden Telecom
2 2018-2019 ANIKET TAK 15EAIEE014 Arden Telecom
3 2018-2019 KHUSHAL SHARMA 15EAIEE052 Arden Telecom
4 2018-2019 MD. ABU BAKER KHAN 15EAIEE058 Arden Telecom
5 2018-2019 MEGHAN SHARMA 15EAIEE062 Arden Telecom
6 2018-2019 PAWAN MEHRA 15EAIEE078 Arden Telecom
7 2018-2019 ATAL KUMAR SHARMA 15EAIEE029 Capgemini
8 2018-2019 HARSHIT AGARWAL 15EAIEE045 Capgemini
9 2018-2019 NIKHIL HARIYANI 15EAIEE073 Capgemini
10 2018-2019 SACHIN MANDAWRIYA 15EAIEE100 Capgemini
11 2018-2019 SANKALP SINGH SHEKHAWAT 15EAIEE106 Capgemini
12 2018-2019 ABHISHEK KUMAR 15EAIEE300 Capgemini
13 2018-2019 ROHIT KUMAR 15EAIEE099 Collabera
14 2018-2019 PRAKASH CHANDRA KUMAWAT 15EAIEE082 Genus Power
15 2018-2019 RAHUL SONI 15EAIEE091 IMS People
16 2018-2019 AJAY MEGHWAL 15EAIEE005 Optra Automation
17 2018-2019 NAGESH MEENA 15EAIEE303 Optra Automation
18 2018-2019 FEZAN ALI 15EAIEE038 Pinnacle
19 2018-2019 ASHISH KUMAR 15EAIEE025 Ripples
20 2018-2019 DEEPAK KUMAR 15EAIEE035 Ripples
21 2018-2019 MD SAEM 15EAIEE059 Ripples
22 2018-2019 AASHISH NAKUM 15EAIEE002 Wywid
23 2018-2019 AKSHAT GUPTA 15EAIEE008 Wywid
24 2018-2019 ANUP SHARMA 15EAIEE019 Wywid
25 2018-2019 ARVIND SINGH SODAWAT 15EAIEE024 Wywid
26 2018-2019 MINTU KUMAR 15EAIEE063 Wywid
27 2018-2019 SONU KUMAR 15EAIEE110 Wywid
28 2018-2019 KAMLESH KUMAR 15EAIEE302 Wywid
29 2018-2019 MOHD WASI 16EAIEE201 Wywid

B.Tech 2017-2018 Batch
S.No. Year Name Roll No. Company Name
1 2016-2017 GOVIND SHARMA 14EAIEE027 Arden Telecom
2 2017-2018 HARDIK SHARMA 14EAIEE028 Arden Telecom
3 2017-2018 HARIOM KUMAR GUPTA 14EAIEE030 Arden Telecom
4 2017-2018 YASHU CHOUDHARY 14EAIEE300 CADD Centre
5 2017-2018 KULDEEP KUMAR 15EAIEE204 CADD Centre
6 2017-2018 AMIT KUMAR KEJRIWAL 14EAIEE005 Capgemini
7 2017-2018 AYUSH SHARMA 14EAIEE016 Capgemini
8 2017-2018 MUNAZZA SHAIKH 14EAIEE058 Capgemini
9 2017-2018 RAGHAV THAKUR 14EAIEE072 Capgemini
10 2017-2018 SHRADHA AGARWAL 14EAIEE101 Capgemini
11 2017-2018 KHUSHBOO VAISHNAV 14EAIEE301 Capgemini
13 2017-2018 PINKY YADAV 14EAIEE063 CINIF
14 2017-2018 PIYUSH KUMAR 14EAIEE064 CINIF
16 2017-2018 SARANSH SONI 14EAIEE092 CINIF
18 2017-2018 SUNNY SONI 14EAIEE109 CINIF
19 2017-2018 KANCHAN MEENA 14EAIEE041 Collabera
20 2017-2018 SAURAV KUMAR 14EAIEE096 Collabera
21 2017-2018 BHASKAR SHARMA 14EAIEE018 CURA Group
22 2017-2018 BRHMDEV BIJRANIYA 14EAIEE020 CURA Group
25 2017-2018 DILIP KUMAR TALWARA 14EAIEE023 CURA Group
26 2017-2018 DIVANSHU MUDGAL 14EAIEE024 CURA Group
27 2017-2018 SAIF ALI CHOUHAN 14EAIEE090 CURA Group
28 2017-2018 TEJ SINGH RATHORE 14EAIEE111 CURA Group
29 2017-2018 ABHISHEK KUMAWAT 14EAIEE001 Dekho
30 2017-2018 ABHISHEK NAYAK 14EAIEE002 Dekho
31 2017-2018 AMAN SHARMA 14EAIEE004 Dekho
33 2017-2018 AMRIT SINGH 14EAIEE007 EPIC
34 2017-2018 ANJANA SHARMA 14EAIEE008 EPIC
35 2017-2018 ANKUR SHARMA 14EAIEE009 EPIC
36 2017-2018 ASHIF KHAN 14EAIEE011 EPIC
38 2017-2018 ASHISH SHARMA 14EAIEE014 EPIC
39 2017-2018 BABU SAHEB 14EAIEE017 EPIC
40 2017-2018 VIVEK PATHAK 14EAIEE117 EPIC
41 2017-2018 ASHISH DODIYAR 14EAIEE012 eUniversal
42 2017-2018 LOKESH NAGAR 14EAIEE047 eUniversal
45 2017-2018 HARDIK SHARMA 14EAIEE028 Informatics
46 2017-2018 KESHAV RAJ PUROHIT 14EAIEE042 Informatics
47 2017-2018 DEVENDRA PRATAP SINGH CHOUHAN 14EAIEE022 Snappyhire
48 2017-2018 HARSH VARDHAN TRIPATHI 14EAIEE031 UA Automation
49 2017-2018 BHUVNESH AGARWAL 14EAIEE019 Wywid
50 2017-2018 HEMANT SHARMA 14EAIEE032 Wywid
51 2017-2018 HEMANT SINGH RAO 14EAIEE033 Wywid
52 2017-2018 HAMLATA VERMA 14EAIEE034 Wywid
53 2017-2018 KAMLESH MALI 14EAIEE040 Wywid
54 2017-2018 MITHU MANDAL 14EAIEE054 Wywid
55 2017-2018 PREETAM SINGH 14EAIEE069 Wywid
56 2017-2018 RANJEET KUMAR 14EAIEE080 Wywid
57 2017-2018 SAURABH SHARMA 14EAIEE095 Wywid
58 2017-2018 DEVANSHA PAREEK 14EAIEE302 Wywid
59 2017-2018 SOHAN SINGH 14EAIEE406 Wywid
60 2017-2018 KUSH SHARMA 15EAIEE205 Wywid

B.Tech 2016-2017 Batch
S.No. Year Name Roll No. Company Name
1 2016-2017 PIYUSH PAREEK 13EAIEE741 Capgemini
2 2016-2017 VARUN KUMAR 13EAIEE760 Capgemini
3 2016-2017 ACHLA RENWAL 13EAIEE009 Kukars
4 2016-2017 VIRENDRA SINGH SISODIYA 13EAIEE122 Habile Labs
5 2016-2017 DHARMVEER 13EAIEE032 Wywid
6 2016-2017 ANKIT KUMAR JHA 13EAIEE708 Wywid
7 2016-2017 ABHIJEET YADAV 13EAIEE005 dekho
8 2016-2017 ABHISHEK SINGH BHATI 13EAIEE007 dekho
9 2016-2017 ABHISHEK VERMA 13EAIEE008 dekho
10 2016-2017 AKHIL KUMAR 13EAIEE011 dekho
11 2016-2017 AKHILESH SHARMA 13EAIEE012 dekho
12 2016-2017 AMAR 13EAIEE015 dekho
13 2016-2017 YENA BISHNOI 13EAIEE126 Amazon
14 2016-2017 YASH VARDHAN 13EAIEE762 Amazon
15 2016-2017 SHAHEER SUFYAN 13EAIEE93 Amazon
16 2016-2017 RAHUL KUMAR 13EAIEE745 Amazon
17 2016-2017 KIRTIRAJ NAIK 13EAIEE728 Amazon
18 2016-2017 NIPENDER SINGH 13EAIEE068 Just Dial
19 2016-2017 AAKASH TIWARI 13EAIEE002 Epic Research
20 2016-2017 RITVIK SHARMA 13EAIEE749 Epic Research
21 2016-2017 ABDUL VALEED 13EAIEE003 Epic Research
22 2016-2017 SANJAY KUMAR YADAV 13EAIEE750 Epic Research
23 2016-2017 VISHAL SINGH 13EAIEE123 Epic Research
24 2016-2017 MIHIR KUMAR SINGH 13EAIEE062 Amazon
25 2016-2017 AAKASH JUNEJA 13EAIEE001 Artech
26 2016-2017 AMIT KUMAR 13EAIEE703 Arden Telecom
27 2016-2017 ADITYA KUMAR 13EAIEE010 Arden Telecom
28 2016-2017 NISCHAY JAIN 13EAIEE070 Arden Telecom
29 2016-2017 DIL VIJAY KUMAR 13EAIEE033 Arden Telecom
30 2016-2017 DHANANJAY SHARMA 13EAIEE029 Arden Telecom
31 2016-2017 DEEPAK KUMAR 13EAIEE026 Arden Telecom
32 2016-2017 VIKKY KUMAR 13EAIEE118 Arden Telecom
33 2016-2017 SUMIT KUMAR 13EAIEE106 Arden Telecom
34 2016-2017 HEMANT KUMAR SHARMA 13EAIEE041 Tech Mahindra
35 2016-2017 DEEPAK YADAV 13EAIEE717 Tech Mahindra
36 2016-2017 ARJUN SINGH 13EAIEE710 Sunwaves
37 2016-2017 JEETENDRA KUMAR 13EAIEE853 Sunwaves
38 2016-2017 RAVI RATHOR 13EAIEE086 Sunwaves
39 2016-2017 SIKANDAR KHAN 13EAIEE102 Sunwaves
40 2016-2017 HARI NARAYAN SWAMI 13EAIEE040 Sunwaves
41 2016-2017 DHARMENDRA KR. VERMA 13EAIEE031 Sunwaves
42 2016-2017 MOHIT SINGH 13EAIEE738 Sunwaves
43 2016-2017 KRISHAN RAJ 13EAIEE050 Consultadd
44 2016-2017 SHUBHAM DWIVEDI 13EAIEE753 Consultadd
45 2016-2017 ANKIT MALI 13EAIEE018 Consultadd
46 2016-2017 PRAVEEN SHAH 13EAIEE074 Cape Electric
47 2016-2017 GOURANG GUPTA 13EAIEE039 Cape Electric
48 2016-2017 ASTHA AGARWAL 13EAIEE024 Cape Electric
49 2016-2017 JUNAID ANSARI 13EAIEE045 Cape Electric
50 2016-2017 KUMARI SANDHYA RANI 13EAIEE051 Cape Electric
51 2016-2017 SHUBHAM KUMAR SONI 13EAIEE754 Cape Electric
52 2016-2017 VINOD RUNDLA 13EAIEE120 Cape Electric
53 2016-2017 MD BAHAUDDIN 13EAIEE734 Cape Electric
54 2016-2017 ASHISH KUMAR SUWALKA 13EAIEE020 Cape Electric
55 2016-2017 MEHUL SINGH JADOUN 13EAIEE735 Cape Electric

B.Tech 2015-2016 Batch
S.No. Year Name Roll No. Company Name
1 2015-2016 BHOJRAJ SINGH 12EAIEE029 TCS
6 2015-2016 SHABA HASAN 12EAIEE110 TCS
8 2015-2016 GARIMA YADAV 12EAIEE0043 Tech Mahindra
9 2015-2016 BHAVESH PANCHAL 12EAIEE028 Good Through Software
10 2015-2016 KARTIK TAK 12EAIEE064 JK Machines
11 2015-2016 AVINASH GUPTA 12EAIEE008 JK Machines
12 2015-2016 AATISH KUMAR JAIN 12EAIEE001 JK Machines
13 2015-2016 ABHISHEK CHOUDHARY 12EAIEE003 JK Machines
14 2015-2016 ABHISHEK TANWAR 12EAIEE004 JK Machines
15 2015-2016 SAURAV CHOUDHARY 12EAIEE749 Prolifics
16 2015-2016 RUCHI DANGI 12EAIEE351 Prolifics
17 2015-2016 VIJENDER SINGH RATHORE 12EAIEE758 Collabera
18 2015-2016 JITENDRA SHARMA 12EAIEE063 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
19 2015-2016 DASHRATH KALAL 12EAIEE713 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
20 2015-2016 AJAY SAINI 12EAIEE005 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
21 2015-2016 AJAY SINGH CHOUDHARY 12EAIEE006 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
22 2015-2016 AKSHAY BAGRA 12EAIEE007 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
23 2015-2016 AMAN KUMAR SINGHAL 12EAIEE008 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
24 2015-2016 AMIT KUMAR 12EAIEE009 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
25 2015-2016 AMRIT SRIVASTAVA 12EAIEE011 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
26 2015-2016 ANIL KUMAR 12EAIEE012 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
27 2015-2016 ANIL KUMAR DHAKAD 12EAIEE013 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
28 2015-2016 ANIL KUMAR RAIBARI 12EAIEE014 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
29 2015-2016 ANKIT GAUR 12EAIEE015 CMS IT Services Pvt. Ltd
30 2015-2016 GUMAN SINGH 12EAIEE050 Capgemini
31 2016-2017 VIVEK GUPTA 12EAIEE126 HCL Technologies
32 2015-2016 JITENDRA KUMAR 12EAIEE726 Maintec Technologies
33 2015-2016 SHANKAR SINGH TANWAR 12EAIEE303 Arden Telecom
34 2015-2016 SHIWANI LAKHERWAL 12EAIEE141 Arden Telecom
35 2015-2016 RAGHUVEER SINGH CHAUHAN 12EAIEE093 Arden Telecom
36 2015-2016 RAHUL KUMAWAT 12EAIEE744 Arden Telecom
37 2015-2016 DOLLY MURODIA 12EAIEE041 Arden Telecom
38 2015-2016 DIKSHA TAMBI 12EAIEE037 Arden Telecom
39 2015-2016 VIKAS SHARMA 12EAIEE760 Cyfuture
40 2015-2016 ASHWANI YADAV 12EAIEE709 Cyfuture
41 2015-2016 GAURAV KUMAR 12EAIEE45 Cyfuture
42 2015-2016 DILIP SINGH TANWAR 12EAIEE716 Cyfuture
43 2015-2016 ARTI KOLI 12EAIEE019 Cyfuture
44 2015-2016 RAJAT PARASAR 12EAIEE095 Cyfuture
45 2015-2016 GAJENDRA CHOUDHARY 12EAIEE718 CINIF Technologies
46 2015-2016 GAUTAM KUMAR 12EAIEE046 Amazon
47 2016-2017 AMIT VASWANI 12EAIEE010 Amazon
48 2015-2016 ANKIT KUMAR BANSAL 12EAIEE016 Amazon
49 2015-2016 ANKIT SONI 12EAIEE017 Amazon
50 2015-2016 ARBAZ KHAN 12EAIEE018 Amazon
51 2015-2016 ARVIND CHANWALA 12EAIEE020 Amazon
52 2015-2016 RAMAN KUMAR JHA 12EAIEE121 Westin Electromech
53 2015-2016 YASHPAL SINGH 12EAIEE762 Westin Electromech
54 2015-2016 MONU SHARMA 12EAIEE078 Westin Electromech
55 2015-2016 MANISH KUMAR (SC) 12EAIEE072 Westin Electromech
56 2016-2017 ASHOK KUMAR (OP) 12EAIEE021 Westin Electromech
57 2015-2016 ASHOK KUMAR (RP) 12EAIEE022 Westin Electromech
58 2015-2016 IDRISH MIA 12EAIEE058 Shriram Transport Finance
59 2015-2016 ASHOK KUMAR REGAR 12EAIEE023 Shriram Transport Finance
60 2015-2016 DAMODAR SAINI 12EAIEE031 CADD Centre
61 2015-2016 GIRRAJ JAIN 12EAIEE049 CADD Centre
62 2015-2016 HITENDRA CHOUDHARY 12EAIEE056 CADD Centre
63 2015-2016 MALAY SHARMA 12EAIEE069 CADD Centre
64 2015-2016 MILAN MANDOWARA 12EAIEE076 CADD Centre
65 2015-2016 PINTU SAINI 12EAIEE084 CADD Centre
66 2015-2016 DHANANJAYA KUMAR 12EAIEE715 CADD Centre
68 2015-2016 YUVRAJ SINGH 12EAIEE763 CADD Centre
69 2015-2016 ASHU SINGHAL 12EAIEE024 Consultadd
70 2015-2016 ATUL 12EAIEE025 Consultadd
71 2015-2016 KOVID MOURYA 12EAIEE302 HCL (TSS)
73 2015-2016 AJAY SAINI 12EAIEE005 Dekho Network
74 2015-2016 AMIT 12EAIEE702 eUniversal
75 2015-2016 SHUBHAM JAIN 12EAIEE115 eUniversal
76 2015-2016 BIKRAMADITYA 12EAIEE030 eUniversal
77 2015-2016 MANGAL CHAND KAHAR 12EAIEE729 eUniversal
78 2015-2016 LAKSHYA AGARWAL 12EAIEE727 eUniversal
79 2015-2016 ANAND MOHAN 12EAIEE705 eUniversal
80 2015-2016 NEERAJ KUMAR 12EAIEE738 eUniversal
81 2015-2016 DHARAMRAJ MEENA 12EAIEE036 eUniversal
82 2015-2016 JITENDRA KUMAR SANKHALA 12EAIEE062 eUniversal
83 2015-2016 MANOJ KUMAR MAHAWAR 12EAIEE073 eUniversal
84 2015-2016 NIRAJ KUMAR 12EAIEE081 eUniversal
85 2015-2016 RAVI KUMAR SINGH 12EAIEE307 Good Through Software
86 2015-2016 YASH PATHAK 12EAIEE312 Arden Telecom
87 2015-2016 SADDAM HUSAIN 12EAIEE309 CADD Centre

B.Tech 2014-2015 Batch
S.No. Year Name Roll No. Company Name
1 2014-2015 PRATYUSH UPADHAYAY 11EAIEE737 L&T Infotech
2 2014-2015 ARVIND KUMA JANGID 11EAIEE002 CADD Centre
3 2014-2015 ASHISH ANAND 11EAIEE003 CADD Centre
6 2014-2015 PUKHRAJ BUGALIYA 11EAIEE043 CADD Centre
8 2014-2015 RAJESH KUMAR SHARMA 11EAIEE045 CADD Centre
9 2014-2015 RAKESH KUMAR 11EAIEE046 CADD Centre
10 2014-2015 RANDHIR KUMAR 11EAIEE047 CADD Centre
11 2014-2015 SHARIQUE ZAFAR 11EAIEE048 CADD Centre
12 2014-2015 SUJEET KUMAR GURJAR 11EAIEE050 CADD Centre
13 2014-2015 SURENDRA KUMAR YADAV 11EAIEE052 CADD Centre
14 2014-2015 SWATI SHARMA 11EAIEE054 CADD Centre
15 2014-2015 HEMANT KUMAR RATHORE 11EAIEE020 CADD Centre
16 2014-2015 BHANU PRAKASH SONI 11EAIEE009 Mindtree
17 2014-2015 CHAKRAVIR SINGH 11EAIEE011 Mindtree
18 2014-2015 ARTI SHARMA 11EAIEE001 Infosemi Technologies
19 2014-2015 HARDIK PANCHAL 11EAIEE019 Infosemi Technologies
20 2014-2015 LAXMAN LAL JAT 11EAIEE028 Collabera
21 2014-2015 LOKENDRA SINGH 11EAIEE029 Collabera
22 2014-2015 MAHENDRA KUMAR YADAV 11EAIEE030 Collabera
23 2014-2015 MAHESH KUMAR BOHARA 11EAIEE031 Collabera
24 2014-2015 KULDEEP KUMAR 11EAIEE301 Siemens
25 2014-2015 KULDEEP MITHARWAL 11EAIEE025 Siemens
26 2014-2015 ATUL AMETA 11EAIEE007 Siemens
27 2014-2015 KAMAL KISHOR 11EAIEE021 Remson Appliances
28 2014-2015 KUMAR SANIDHYA 11EAIEE026 Remson Appliances
29 2014-2015 GOVIND NATH 11EAIEE018 Merchant Navy
30 2014-2015 PANKAJ SINGH CHOUHAN 11EAIEE040 Merchant Navy
31 2014-2015 SHOBHIT KUMAR SHARMA 11EAIEE049 Merchant Navy
32 2014-2015 TRILOK CHAND YADAV 11EAIEE056 Merchant Navy
33 2014-2015 KANISHKA 11EAIEE022 Merchant Navy
34 2014-2015 GAURAV NAMDEV 11EAIEE016 Merchant Navy
35 2014-2015 DINESH AGARWAL 11EAIEE014 Merchant Navy
36 2014-2015 BRAJRAJ KUSHWAH 11EAIEE010 Merchant Navy
37 2014-2015 CHOUHAL SINGH 11EAIEE012 Adastra
38 2014-2015 DHARMESH VAISHNAV 11EAIEE013 Adastra
39 2014-2015 ANKIT RATHORE 11EAIEE704 ARN Infotel
40 2014-2015 DINESH KUMAR 11EAIEE015 Kukars
41 2014-2015 GAURAV SINGH 11EAIEE017 Kukars
42 2014-2015 MAHIPAL 11EAIEE032 PC Solution
43 2014-2015 MOHIT SONI 11EAIEE033 PC Solution
44 2014-2015 NARENDRA SINGH CHOUHAN 11EAIEE036 Emicon
45 2014-2015 PRAMOD KUMAR SHARMA 11EAIEE041 Emicon
46 2014-2015 SUNIL YADAV 11EAIEE051 HCL Talent Care
47 2014-2015 SUBHASH DAGAR 11EAIEE754 Ericsson
48 2014-2015 UMESH MANGAL 11EAIEE057 Ericsson
49 2014-2015 ASHOK KUMAWAT 11EAIEE005 Ericsson
50 2014-2015 ASHUTOSH RAJ 11EAIEE006 Ericsson

B.Tech 2013-2014 Batch
S.No. Year Name Roll No. Company Name
1 2013-2014 AMRENDRA KUMAR 10EAIEE009 Merchant Navy
2 2013-2014 ANKIT SHARMA 10EAIEE011 Merchant Navy
3 2013-2014 MOHIT BISHT 10EAIEE035 Merchant Navy
4 2013-2014 RAJVARDHAN SINGH CHUNDAWAT 10EAIEE042 Merchant Navy
5 2013-2014 ANKIT GOYAL 10EAIEE702 Merchant Navy
6 2013-2014 ANSHU KHANDELWAL 10EAIEE705 Merchant Navy
7 2013-2014 HIMANSHU SHARMA 10EAIEE718 Merchant Navy
8 2013-2014 PRATAP SINGH PRATIHAR 10EAIEE733 Merchant Navy
9 2013-2014 VIRENDRA SINGH 10EAIEE755 Merchant Navy
10 2013-2014 VISHAL KUMAR 10EAIEE756 Merchant Navy
11 2013-2014 MUKESH KUMAR SESMA 10EAIEE036 Merchant Navy
12 2013-2014 RAVINDRA SINGHAL 10EAIEE046 Merchant Navy
13 2013-2014 SUNIL SONI 10EAIEE057 Merchant Navy
14 2013-2014 ABHINAV SHARMA 10EAIEE004 JK Technosoft
15 2013-2014 AJAY SHREEVAS 10EAIEE005 JK Technosoft
16 2013-2014 SACHIT MODI 10EAIEE049 JK Technosoft
17 2013-2014 NADEEM SHABHA MANSURI 10EAIEE731 Alpha Nine
18 2013-2014 ARVIND KUMAR 10EAIEE014 Alpha Nine
20 2013-2014 DARSHAN PANCHAL 10EAIEE712 CADD Centre
21 2013-2014 DHARMVEER SUMAN 10EAIEE715 CADD Centre
22 2013-2014 LALIT TIWARI 10EAIEE725 CADD Centre
23 2013-2014 SHASHANK PANDIT 10EAIEE745 CADD Centre
24 2013-2014   HIMANSHU TANWAR 10EAIEE025 CADD Centre
25 2013-2014  NAROTTAM JANGIR 10EAIEE037 CADD Centre
26 2013-2014 PRATEEK GOYAL 10EAIEE040 CADD Centre
27 2013-2014 VISHAL SINGH JHALA 10EAIEE757 Cognizant
28 2013-2014 SURYA PRAKASH SHARMA 10EAIEE750 Collabera
29 2013-2014 TARUN GOYAL 10EAIEE751 Collabera
30 2013-2014 TARUN KUMAR GUPTA 10EAIEE752 Collabera
31 2013-2014 TRILOKI NATH PANDIT 10EAIEE753 Collabera
32 2013-2014 VIJAY KUMAR PANDEY 10EAIEE754 Collabera
33 2013-2014 VISHNU KUMAR RATHOD 10EAIEE758 Collabera
34 2013-2014 YOGIT MARU 10EAIEE759 Collabera
35 2013-2014 YUDHISTIR PANCHAL 10EAIEE760 Collabera
36 2013-2014 RAHUL KUMAR 10EAIEE041 Tech Mahindra
37 2013-2014 RAVI SHARMA 10EAIEE044 Tech Mahindra
38 2013-2014 ABHISHEK KUMAR 10EAIEE002 TCS
39 2013-2014 ANIL KUMAR SAINI 10EAIEE010 TCS
40 2013-2014 ROHITASH SHARMA 10EAIEE048 HCL Slocum
41 2013-2014 ASHISH SHARMA 10EAIEE707 HCL Slocum
43 2013-2014 HARI SHANKAR KUMHAR 10EAIEE023 HCL Slocum
44 2013-2014 KAILASH CHAND JANGID 10EAIEE026 HCL Slocum
45 2013-2014 KRITI KUMARI SHAH 10EAIEE029 HCL Slocum
46 2013-2014 ANKIT SHARMA 10EAIEE012 Infosys
47 2013-2014 SANDEEP KUMAR RANWA 10EAIEE051 HCL Technology
48 2013-2014 SANJAY KUMAR SAIN 10EAIEE052 HCL Technology
49 2013-2014 SANKALP AGRAWAL 10EAIEE054 HCL Technology
50 2013-2014 MANISH KUMAR 10EAIEE730 Syntel
51 2013-2014 SUMITKUMAR SINGH 10EAIEE749 Adastra
52 2013-2014 SOYAL KHAN 10EAIEE748 Adastra
53 2013-2014 SHYAM SUNDER AGARWAL 10EAIEE746 Adastra
54 2013-2014 SIDDHARTH BHAWSAR 10EAIEE747 Adastra
55 2013-2014 ABHILASHA BHARTI 10EAIEE003 Adastra
56 2013-2014 AJAY SINGHAL 10EAIEE006 Adastra
57 2013-2014 TARUN TANWAR 10EAIEE059 Adastra
58 2013-2014 TRIBHUWAN JOSHI 10EAIEE060 Adastra
59 2013-2014 KAILASH KUMAR NAGAR 10EAIEE027 Kukars
60 2013-2014 AMAR SINGH SHAKTAWAT 10EAIEE008 Ericsson
61 2013-2014 GAURAV VIJAYVARGIYA 10EAIEE021 Ericsson
62 2013-2014 PANKAJ KUAMR GUPTA 10EAIEE732 Ericsson
63 2013-2014 RANDHIR KUMAR 10EAIEE043 Ericsson
64 2013-2014 MOHAMMAD SALMAN 10EAIEE034 Ericsson
65 2013-2014 VIRAMGAMA JATIN JAGDISH BHAI 11EAIEE210 Inopen Technologies
66 2013-2014 DEVENDRA KUMAR 10EAIEE761 Collabera

Industrial Collaboration:

  • Sunwaves Infrapower

  • IBM

  • HCL



  • FOSS



  • WAE


The department has successfully completed projects on:

  • Battery Charging Station of E-Vehicle.

  • Electric Vehicles (E-ATV, E-Rikshaw, E-Golf Cart, E-Vintage Cart)

  • Solar Street Light.

  • Solar Power Plant (1.5 kW)

  • Wind Power Plant (1 kW)

  • Solar Hybrid Car

  • Prepaid energy Meter

  • Solar Grass Cutter

Students of this department have been able to secure campus placements in many reputed companies at lucrative packages. A few are following:







  • TCS




  • IBM




  • HCL


Industrial Tours & Trainings:

  • Internships and industrial trainings are mandatory.

  • 1.III Semester for 15 days

    2.V Semester for 45 days and

    3.VII semester for 60 days.

  • Solar Roof top plant

  • Heerapura Substation.

  • "Rajasthan Electrical and Electronics Ltd."

Impressive Results:

Faculties take extra care of the students in the knowledge delivery process throughout the course period. These dedicated and concentrated efforts have culminated in obtaining 100 % results in the final year. During the last three years, this department of has successfully achieved 100% results.

Conference/seminar and workshops:

Arya College has been a ogranized various National and International Conferences/ Seminars and Workshops Including the following


  • AECCST-2 (2022)

  • AECCST-1 (2021)

  • WORKSHOP (AWARD -2016)