B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

The field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI&DS) has experienced remarkable growth over the past decade, becoming a distinct off shoot of Computer Engineering. It has resulted in a paradigm shift across various sectors of the industry, academia, and research. Through training machines, AI&DS is altering the world at a rapid pace. This course is designed to equip students with the skills needed to analyze, interpret, and visualize data in various forms and formats, and apply their knowledge of statistics, computing, AI, and DS, using the latest tools and technology to improve efficiency and augment human capabilities. The breakthroughs in AI&DS have significantly influenced various sectors, including Fin-Tech, Agri-Tech, Healthcare, Education, Manufacturing, and Retail industries.

The Department’s research areas cover a wide range of topics, including Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Big-Data Analytics, and Computer Security. In addition to a state-of-the-art curriculum, the Department places a strong emphasis on enriching the students’ learning experience by offering value-added courses, skill-development programs, and opportunities to participate in technical competitions and hackathons at all levels. This approach enables us to achieve productive interdisciplinary collaborations and ensures that our students are successful. We are confident that the Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science at ACE is ready to meet the exciting challenges of this new digital era.

Vision And Mission:

Vision: To promote specialized knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligance & Data Science along with interdisciplinary awareness and to develop a framework to support the communicative and ethical needs of industry and society at global level.

Mission:To impart quality education in the field of Artificial Intelligence and to facilitate and develop students for their superior employability, to pursue research and higher studies.

HOD Message:

At ACE, the Department of Artificial Intelligence & Data Science is dedicated to providing innovative and high-quality technical education at the undergraduate level. The faculty and staff of the department are committed to equipping our students with the expertise and proficiency in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, and related fields that are essential to thriving in modern society. The Department’s main objective is to provide experiential learning opportunities, including hands-on training, research projects, internships, and project-based courses that prepare students to work in interdisciplinary teams and create the future.


Artificial Intelligence & Data Science

Syllabus & Scheme


S.No. Description Download
1 III and IV Semester View
2 V and VI Semester View
3 VII and VIII Semester View


S.No. Description Download
1 III and IV Semester View
2 V and VI Semester View
3 VII and VIII Semester View

The department has following well- equipped laboratories that offer more that the prescribed practical needs as per RTU Curriculum :

  • Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Object-Oriented Programming

  • Software Engineering

  • Digital Electronics

  • R. Programming

  • Database Management System

  • Network Programming

  • Linux Shell Programming

  • Java

  • Computer Graphics & Multimedia

  • Compiler Design

  • Analysis of Algorithms

  • Advance Java

  • Digital Image Processing

  • Machine Learning

  • Python

  • Mobile Application Development

  • Microprocessor and Interface Lab

  • Big Data Analytics

  • Software Testing and Validation

  • Robot Programming

List of Program Educational Objectives (PEO)


Graduates will have solid basics in Mathematics, Programming, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science fundamentals and advancements to solve technical problems


Graduates will have the capability to apply their knowledge and skills acquired to solve the issues in real-world Artificial Intelligence and Data Science sectors and to develop feasible and viable systems.


Graduates will have the capability to apply their knowledge and skills acquired to solve the issues in real-world Artificial Intelligence and Data Science sectors and to develop feasible and viable systems.


Graduates will have the ability to apply the gained knowledge to improve society ensuring ethical and moral values.

List of Program Outcomes


Engineering Knowledge:

Apply knowledge of mathematics and science, with fundamentals of Engineering to be able to solve complex engineering problems related.


Problem Analysis:

Identify, Formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems and reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences


Design/Development of solutions:

Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety and the cultural societal and environmental considerations.


Conduct Investigations of Complex problems:

Use research–based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.


Modern Tool Usage:

Create, Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.


The Engineer and Society:

Apply Reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.


Environment and Sustainability:

Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts sustainable development.



Apply Ethical Principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice


Individual and Team Work:

Function effectively as an individual and as



Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large such write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.


Project Management and Finance:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi disciplinary environments.


Life-Long Learning:

Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcome


Artificial Intelligence and Data Science graduates can become leaders in the Industry and Academia with the help of advanced knowledge and skills, which can empower them to analyze, design, develop, and implement their learning to develop society.


Ability to develop skills to address and solve social and environmental problems with ethics and perform multidisciplinary projects with advanced technologies and tools.


S.No. Course Code Course Title Course Outcomes (COs)
1 3AID2-
Advanced Engineering Mathematics CO1: To learn the concepts and principles of Random variables.
CO2: To learn the concepts and principles of Probability distribution.
CO3: To learn the formulation of different mathematical problems into optimization Problems.
CO4: Apply the principles of optimization using differential calculus.
CO5: To understand the concepts of Liner Programming and the relation between demand and supply. Also, to learn the concepts of production and cost analysis.
2 3AID1-
Managerial Economics and Financial Accounting CO1: Graduates gain the ability to apply the knowledge of managerial and economic concepts and the ability to apply the tools and techniques.
CO2: Ability to understand demand and supply analysis and to Know the implementation of demand forecasting methods for production decisions and cost analysis.
CO3: Ability to understand the production and cost analysis of the firm. Understanding of types of markets and pricing methods and understanding the techniques regarding long-term investment decisions.
CO4: Ability to understand the application of various ratios and methods of analyzing the firm to know the firm’s financial position in depth and to understand different techniques of capital budgeting. To be able to conduct inter-firm and intra-firm comparisions.
3 3AID3-
Digital Electronics CO1: Understand number systems, basic logic gates, Boolean algebra and derive digital logic circuits.
CO2: Classify various minimization techniques and choose the best for designing logic circuit
CO3: Define characteristics of logic families and calculate their parameters
CO4: Design combinational logic circuits such as adder, subtractor, multiplexer, and decoder.
CO5: Classify the different types of flip flops and design counters, and registers using flip flops.
4 3AID4-
Data Structures and Algorithms CO1: Design applications using stacks and various types of queues
CO2: Analyze and apply operations of linked lists and demonstrate their applications
CO3: Evaluate the computational efficiency of the principal algorithms for sorting, searching, and hashing.
CO4: Demonstrate operations on trees and discuss various types of Trees.
CO5: Identify, model, solve, and develop algorithms for real-life problems like shortest path and MST using graph theory.
5 3AID4-
Object Oriented Programming CO1: Describe the Object Oriented Programming paradigm with the concept of objects and classes.
CO2: Explain the memory management techniques using constructors, destructors, and pointers.
CO3: Classify and demonstrate the various Inheritance techniques.
CO4: Understand how to apply polymorphism techniques to the object-oriented problem.
CO5: Summarize the exception-handling mechanism, file-handling techniques, and Use of generic programming in Object-oriented programming
6 3AID4-
Software Engineering CO1: Understand and compare the various software engineering models and differentiate between verification & validation
CO2: Apply various estimation models to determine the cost of software projects and illustrate risks in the software projects
CO3: Identify the requirements, design the SRS, and model various data flow and control flow diagrams
CO4: Learn various approaches to breaking down software into modules and create documentation
CO5: Describe object-oriented programming concepts to show class and object relationships
7 3AID4-21 Data Structures and Algorithms
CO1: Understand the concept of array storage and Examine the concept of row-major and column-major order.
CO2: List and Illustrate the implementation of basic data structure using an array.
CO3: Compare various searching techniques using arrays
CO4: Use linear and non-linear data structures like stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, etc.
CO5: Design and Formulate different sorting algorithms
8 3AID4-22 Object-Oriented Programming
CO1: Create and explain Basic C++ Programs using i/o variables and structures.
CO2: Apply object-oriented programming concepts using class and objects
CO3: Design and assess the classes for code reuse
CO4: Analyse and Apply the generic classes concepts in programming problem
CO5: Illustrate and evaluate the file Input Output mechanisms
9 3AID4-23 Software Engineering
CO1: Understand and Describe the basic concept of UML, design, implementation of test cases, and OOP concepts using Java.
CO2: Discuss and Analyse how to develop software requirements specifications for a given problem.
CO3: Explain and build DFD models.
CO4: Understand and develop various structure and behavior UML diagrams.
CO5: Explain the knowledge of the project management tool Demonstrate how to manage files using the projectLibre project management tool.
10 3AID4-24 Digital Electronics Lab CO1: Define different types of logic gates, identify their ICs, and also verify their truth table.
CO2: Derive basic logic gates, adders, and subtractors using universal gates.
CO3: Illustrate the realization of Boolean expression in SOP and POS form and design it using logic gates.
CO4: Design and test combinational circuits and develop sequential circuits.
CO5: Demonstrate team‐based laboratory activities with fellow students to interact effectively on a social and interpersonal level.
11 3AID7-30 Industrial Training CO1: Identify the problem in the relevant engineering fields and gather information through independent or collaborative study
CO2: Apply and summarize the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Fundamentals in the identified field of study
CO3: Apply the acquired skills in communication, writing, and engineering tools
CO4: Develop a product based on the experiences and projects carried out with the ability to work as an individual and in a group with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member
CO5: Demonstrate the professional and ethical responsibilities of an engineer.
12 4AID2-
Discrete Mathematics Structure CO1: Understand the basic principles of sets and operations in sets
CO2: Demonstrate the ability to write and evaluate a proof or outline the basic structure of and give examples of each proof technique described
CO3: Apply counting principles to determine probabilities.
CO4: Demonstrate an understanding of relations and functions and be able to determine their properties
CO5: Demonstrate different traversal methods for trees and graphs
13 4AID1-
Technical Communication CO1: Recall and identify four basic LSRW skills for learning technical communication.
CO2: Read, understand, and summarize the technical texts and documents.
CO3: Apply technical style in writing and note-making.
CO4: Compose official notes, letters, emails, resumes, job applications, and MOM with the usage of advanced grammar.
CO5: Design, analyze, and evaluate technical reports, articles, and proposals in proper format.
14 4AID3-
Microprocessor &
CO1: Describe the general architecture of the 8085 microprocessor and differentiate between microprocessors and microcontrollers. Illustrate the demultiplexing of address/data bus and memory mapping of 8085
CO2:  Classify the instruction set of the 8085 microprocessor and demonstrate programming proficiency using various addressing modes.
CO3: Design counters with appropriate time delays and also categorize the interrupts of 8085 on various levels of functionality
CO4: Design 8085 microprocessor-based circuits for various applications by interfacing selected peripheral ICs (8255, 8259, 8254, and 8279).
CO5: Interfacing of Scanned multiplexed display, USART, RS232C, and RS422A with 8085 microprocessor.
15 4AID4-
Database Management
CO1: Understand the basic concept of the database management system and analyze a given database application scenario to use the ER model for the conceptual design of the database
CO2: Understand the concept of relational algebra, and Apply SQL to find solutions to a broad range of queries
CO3: Apply normalization technique to improve database design
CO4: Understanding the concept of transaction processing
CO5: Demonstrate an understanding of concurrency control and database failure
16 4AID4-
Theory of Computation CO1: Define and discuss the concept of formal grammar, formal language, regular expression, and automata machine.
CO2: Design finite automata and push-down automata (PDA) machines for given formal languages or computational real-world problem statements.
CO3: Understand the capability of the Turing machine and design the Turing Machine for context-sensitive languages or computational real-world problem statements.
CO4: Choose and design appropriate automata for modeling the solution for various computational engineering problems.
CO5: Understand the concepts of tractable & untractable problems and be able to decide whether a given problem is tractable or not.
17 4AID4-07 Data Communication and Computer
CO1: Understand and Contrast the concept of Signals, OSI & TCP/IP reference models and discuss the functionalities of each layer in these models.
CO2: Design subnets and calculate the IP addresses to fulfill the network requirements of an organization
CO3: Analyze and apply various routing algorithms to find the shortest paths for packet delivery
CO4: Explain the details of Transport Layer Protocols (UDP, TCP) and suggest appropriate protocols for reliable/unreliable communication.
CO5: Analyze the features and operations of various application layer protocols such as HTTP, DNS, and SMTP.
18 4AID4-21  Microprocessor & Interfaces
CO1: Identify relevant information in order to supplement to the Microprocessor course.
CO2: Discuss programming strategies and select proper mnemonics and run their program on the 8085 microprocessor based training boards.
CO3: Show programming proficiency by writing the code in a well structured document and evaluate possible causes of discrepancy in practical experimental observations.
CO4: Develop testing and experimental procedures for 8085 Microprocessor applications and will analyze their operation under different conditions.
CO5: Demonstrate the ability to interact effectively on a social and interpersonal level with fellow students, and will demonstrate the ability to divide up and share task responsibilities to complete assignments.
19 4AID4-22 Database Management System Lab CO1: Illustrate the ER model and identify the roles and privileges of various users in a database.
CO2: Apply common SQL statements using DDL, DML & DCL statements to perform various operations.
CO3: Construct SQL queries for various operations in a database.
CO4: Interpret Embedded and Nested queries.
CO5: Assess the need to create triggers and views to manage the database.
20 4AID4-23 Network Programming Lab CO1: Define the fundamentals of underlying principles of computer networking.
CO2: Understand the key topologies that support the internet and Create a socket and analyze different client-server models.
CO3: Demonstrate the installation and configuration of the network simulator.
CO4: Applying the Network routing algorithm and evaluating the process of implementing simple routed internetwork.
CO5: Evaluate the error using various error-correcting techniques.
21 4AID4-24 Linux Shell Programming Lab CO1: List the basic commands of the UNIX operating system and use them in a Linux environment (ubuntu, Fedora, etc.).
CO2: Understand commands related to process control and apply them to manage processes.
CO3: Understand the concepts of control structure, loops, cases, and functions in shell programming and apply them to create shell scripts.
CO4: Associate the concepts of arrays with Linux and apply them to create, compile, and execute C programs in a Linux terminal.
CO5: Compare different editors (vi, gedit, nano) and use them to create a shell script and C program for a given problem.
22 4AID4-25  Java Lab CO1: Describe object-oriented concepts, java program structure, and its installation.
CO2: Demonstrate Object-oriented constructs such as various class hierarchies, interfaces, and Packages.
CO3: Develop and understand Exception handling.
CO4: To understand the concepts of threads and I/O in Java.
CO5: Able to build dynamic user interfaces using applets and Event handling in Java.
23 5AID3-01 Data Mining - Concepts and Techniques CO1: Interpret the contribution of data warehousing and data mining to the decision-support systems.
CO2: Prepare the data needed for data mining using pre-processing techniques.
CO3: Extract useful information from the labeled data using various classifiers.
CO4: Compile unlabeled data into clusters applying various clustering algorithms.
CO5: Demonstrate capacity to perform a self-directed piece of practical work that requires the application of data mining techniques.
24 5AID4-02 Compiler Design CO1: Discuss the major phases of compilers and use the knowledge of the Lex tool
CO2: Develop the parsers and experiment with the knowledge of different parser designs without automated tools.
CO3: Describe intermediate code representations using syntax trees and DAG’s as well as use this knowledge to generate intermediate code in the form of three address code representations.
CO4: Classify various storage allocation strategies and explain various data structures used in symbol tables
CO5: Summarize various optimization techniques used for dataflow analysis and generate machine code from the source code of a novel language.
25 5AID4-03 Operating Systems CO1: Describe the basics of the operating systems, and mechanisms of OS to handle processes, threads, and their communication.
CO2: Analyze the memory management and its allocation policies.
CO3: Illustrate different conditions for deadlock and their possible solutions.
CO4: Discuss the storage management policies concerning different storage management technologies
CO5: Evaluate the concept of the operating system concerning UNIX, Linux, Time, and mobile OS.
26 5AID4-04 Computer Graphics and Multimedia CO1: Understand and apply basics about computer graphics along with graphics standards.
CO2: Explain and analyze various algorithms to scan, and convert the basic geometrical primitives, Area filling.
CO3: Explain, illustrate, and design various algorithms for 2D transformations and clipping.
CO4: To understand the fundamental concepts of parallel and perspective projections and evaluate various algorithms for 3D transformations.
CO5: Understand various color models in computer graphics systems and develop animated motions through OpenGL.
27 5AID4-05 Analysis of Algorithms CO1: Describe asymptotic analysis concepts and use them to evaluate the time complexity of different algorithms.
CO2: Explain, apply, and analyze the divide and conquer, greedy method, and dynamic programming techniques to solve various engineering problems.
CO3: Discuss and use Branch and Bound, and pattern-matching algorithms.
CO4: Discuss randomized algorithms for min-cut and 2-SAT problems.
CO5: Understand the concepts of NP-Hard and NP-Complete problems.
28 5AID5-11 Fundamentals of Blockchain CO1: Describe the primitives of distributed computing and cryptography related to blockchain.
CO2: Illustrate the concepts of Bitcoin and their usage
CO3: Implement Ethereum blockchain contract
CO4: Apply security features in blockchain technologies.
CO5: Use smart contracts in real-world applications.
29 5AID4-21 Computer Graphics & Multimedia
CO1: Understand and apply the various predefined functions for drawing various geometric shapes
CO2: Explain and analyze various algorithms to scan, and convert the basic geometrical primitives, transformations, Area filling, clipping
CO3: Explain, illustrate, and design various kinds of viewing and Projections.
CO4: To understand the fundamentals of animation, virtual reality, and its related technologies.
CO5: Define, explain, and apply various concepts associated with computer graphics to develop the animated game
30 5AID4-22 Compiler Design Lab CO1: Understand the Lexical analyzer and use this knowledge to implement its various sub-functions for any regular language.
CO2: Create a Symbol table and implement its operations in C language.
CO3: Define the ex tool and determine various tokens using it.
CO4: Examine the string for the given regular expression and evaluate an expression using the YACC Tool.
CO5: Understand the concept of Context-Free Grammar and break down the given grammar for calculating First.
31 5AID4-23 Analysis of Algorithms Lab CO1: Compute running time and analyze the performance using Asymptotic Analysis.
CO2: Discuss various sorting, searching, and Graph Traversal algorithms and implement them.
CO3: Explain the divide-and-conquer paradigm and apply it to various problems.
CO4: Create programs for finding spanning trees, and shortest paths using different design techniques.
CO5: Describe various design techniques and compare them.
32 5AID4-24 Advance Java Lab CO1: List all UI components Create UI widgets and apply event handling using Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT) & Swings
CO2: Discuss and Apply Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) to access databases through Java Programs
CO3: Analyze and Formulate remote methods in an application using Remote Method Invocation(RMI)
CO4: Select and create an appropriate multi-tier approach from stateful, stateless, and entity beans
CO5: Build dynamic web pages, using Servlets and JSP.
33 5AID7-30 Industrial
CO1: Identify the problem in the relevant engineering fields and gather information through independent or collaborative study
CO2: Apply and Summarize the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Fundamentals in the identified field of study
CO3: Apply the acquired skills in communication, writing, and engineering tools
CO4: Develop a product based on the experiences and projects carried out with the ability to work as an individual and in a group with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member
CO5: Demonstrate the professional and ethical responsibilities of an engineer.
34 6AID3-01 Digital Image Processing CO1: Identify the fundamental elements of an image and Describe the need for digital image processing.
CO2: Understand different types of image transformation techniques and their properties.
CO3: Use various noise models and Calculate the values for restoration and degradation models.
CO4: Analyze and Evaluate various image compression techniques.
CO5: Integrate and Demonstrate various Image Transformation and Segmentation Techniques
35 6AID4-02 Machine Learning CO1: Understand different types of machine learning techniques and their applications in the real world.
CO2: Apply various mathematical models for supervised machine learning models.
CO3: Apply and evaluate the unsupervised machine learning models through various clustering algorithms.
CO4: Apply reinforcement learning algorithms to solve real-time complex problems with an understanding of the trade-offs involved.
CO5: Design the recommendation system using natural language processing and evaluate the machine learning models through ANN.
36 6AID4-03 Information Security System CO1: Identify services that enhance the security and its mechanism.
CO2: Classify security attacks on information over the network. Describe and apply classical encryption techniques.
CO3: Compare conventional encryption algorithms & public key cryptography, and design an Encryption algorithm to provide the Integration and confidentiality of a message.
CO4: Understand the concept of hash function with application and message authentication code in security system
CO5: Classify key management schemes and discuss web security and transport-level security protocols.
37 6AID4-04 Computer Architecture and Organisation CO1: Understand the basic operations of digital computer systems to learn the integrated circuits
CO2: Describe arithmetic logic and shift micro-operations in symbolic form at a register transfer level.
CO3: Develop the assembly language programming and demonstrate the addressing modes used in instructions.
CO4: Analyze and measure clock periods, performance, and instruction throughput of single-cycle, multi-cycle, and pipelined implementations of a simple instruction set.
CO5: Apply algorithms for arithmetic operations and implementation for ALU design Classify and design different memory organization
38 6AID4-05 Artifical Intlligence CO1: Compare different AI search techniques and apply them to real-world problems
CO2: Apply basic principles of AI in solutions that require problem-solving, inference, perception, knowledge representation, and reasoning
CO3: Develop intelligent algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems and also design intelligent systems for Game Playing
CO4: Classify different learning paradigms and its application in Neural Network
CO5: Explain concepts of Natural Language processing and discuss Expert System
39 6AID4-06 Cloud Comuting CO1: Recall and summarize the basic concepts of cloud computing
CO2: Discuss the architectural design of the cloud and illustrate various programming models.
CO3: Outline the virtualization technology and determine its uses.
CO4: Explain the basic threats and security mechanisms in the cloud
CO5: Summarize the cloud available platforms for business and industry perspective
40 6AID5-11 Artificial Neural Network CO1: Create different neural networks of various architectures both feed-forward and feed-backword.
CO2: Perform the training of neural networks using various learning rules.
CO3: Perform the testing of neural networks and perform analysis of these networks for various pattern recognition applications.
41 6AID4-21 Digital Image Processing
CO1: Describe digital image representation, and manipulation and Illustrate the use of histograms.
CO2: Applying various Geometric transformations on image and Illustrate Two- dimensional Fourier transform.
CO3: Use and Compare, various Linear filtering methods.
CO4: Applying various Ideal filters in the frequency domain and Understanding the concept of edge detection.
CO5: Compose various Morphological operations on binary images and Generate their transformed images.
42 6AID4-22 Machine Learning Lab CO1: Understand the mathematical and statistical prospects of machine learning algorithms through Python programming.
CO2: Design and evaluate the unsupervised models through Python inbuilt functions.
CO3: Design and apply various reinforcement algorithms to solve real-time complex problems.
CO4: Design and develop the code for the recommender system using Natural Language processing
CO5: Understand the basic concepts of deep neural network model and design the same.
43 6AID4-23 Python Lab CO1: List various data types in Python and use them to solve basic Python programs.
CO2: Describe Conditional statements and Looping structures concepts in Python and apply these to create searching and sorting programs.
CO3: Explain the usage of Lists, Tuples, Set, Dictionary, and Strings and use these to solve programming problems in different ways.
CO4: Understand various built-in Python functions and formulate user-defined functions.
CO5: Discuss file-handling concepts and apply them to create basic data-handling programs.
44 6AID4-24 Mobile Application Development Lab CO1: Discuss the components and different Layout for mobile application development framework for android
CO2: Design a Simple GUI application with the Use of Built-in components and widgets.
CO3: Define a solution for complex problems
CO4: Create databases to store application data locally.
CO5: Test and Show the results on emulators or physical handheld devices
45 7AID4-01 Big Data Analytics CO1: Explain the building block of Big Data and overview of an exciting growing field of big data analytics
CO2: Understanding and Applying the programming aspects of map-reduce
CO3: Analyze pig architecture to make easier Hadoop programming
CO4: Applying Structure to Hadoop data with Hive
CO5: Design applications to solve complex real-world problems for decision support.
46 7ME6-60.2 Quality Management CO1: Describe the concepts of Quality, and evaluate various philosophies of quality gurus, cost of quality, and quality control.
CO2: Analyses and interprets the process quality using various QC tools like control chart acceptance Sampling, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and design of experiments (DOE).
CO3: Describe as scope of benchmarking, Six Sigma Technique, and ISO standards and manage quality programs.
CO4: Interpret the process quality improvement using CFD robust design and the Taguchi method.
CO5: Analyses the design failure and Implementation of the effects.
47 7AID4-21 Big Data Analytics Lab CO1: Understand and implement the basics of data structures like Linked lists, stack, queue, set, and map in Java.
CO2: Demonstrate knowledge of big data analytics and implement different file management tasks in Hadoop.
CO3: Understand Map Reduce Paradigm and develop data applications using a variety of systems.
CO4: Analyze and perform different operations on data using Pig Latin scripts.
CO5: Illustrate and apply different operations on relations and databases using Hive.
48 7AID4-22 R. Programming Lab CO1: Apply OOP concepts in R programming
CO2: Demonstrate how to install and configure RStudio
CO3: Explain the use of data structure and loop functions
CO4: Analyse data and generate reports based on the data
CO5: Apply various concepts to write programs in R
49 7AID7-30 Industrial
CO1: Identify the problem in the relevant engineering fields and gather information through independent or collaborative study
CO2: Apply and summarize the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering Fundamentals in the identified field of study
CO3: Apply the acquired skills in communication, writing, and engineering tools
CO4: Develop a product based on the experiences and projects carried out with the ability to work as an individual and in a group with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member
CO5: Demonstrate the professional and ethical responsibilities of an engineer.
50 7AID7-40 Seminar CO1: Identify emerging technologies/current trends to gather relevant information through independent or collaborative study.
CO2: Analyse and Summarize related work and literature in the identified field of study.
CO3: Design a clear, well-constructed document that represents both technical and non-technical information using engineering-standard figures, reports, and drawings.
CO4: Demonstrate effective oral presentations in given time constraints, using a variety of presentation media.
CO5: Develop listening skills and comprehend information, instructions, and viewpoints either as a presenter or as an audience.
51 8AID4-01 Deep Learning and Its Applications CO1: Recognize the characteristics of deep learning models that are useful to solve real-world problems.
CO2: Understand different methodologies to create applications using deep nets.
CO3: Identify and apply appropriate deep learning algorithms for analyzing the data for a variety of problems.
CO4: Able to understand the mathematics behind the functioning of artificial neural networks
CO5: Able to analyze the given dataset for designing a neural network-based solution
52 8EE6-60.2 Soft Computing CO1: Ability to analyze and appreciate the applications that can use fuzzy logic
CO2: Ability to design inference systems
CO3: Ability to understand the difference between learning and programming and explore practical applications of Neural Networks (NN).
CO4: Ability to appreciate the importance of optimizations and its use in computer engineering fields and other domains
CO5: Students would understand the efficiency of a hybrid system and how Neural Networks and fuzzy logic can be hybridized to form a Neuro-fuzzy network and its various applications.
53 8AID4-21 Deep Learning and Its Applications CO1: Make use of deep learning APIs like Keras.
CO2: Implement multiple conversions for Analysis
CO3: Apply deep learning techniques for object identification and segmentation
CO4: Implement RNN and CNN for multiple problems
CO5: Implement Autoencoders and GAN
54 8AID4-22 Robot Programming Lab CO1: Use of any robotic simulation software to model the different types of robots and calculate work volume for different robots
CO2: Demonstrate the mechanism of various robots
CO3: Determine the end-effector positions and joint variables using forward and inverse kinematics respectively
CO4: Apply principles of kinematics to generate workspaces of planar and spatial robots
CO5: Demonstrate trajectory planning, loading unloading, and pick and place operations of an industrial robot
55 8AID7-
Project CO1: Competence in applying software engineering principles in planning, formulating an innovative design/ approach, and computing the requirements appropriate to solve the problem within the context of legal, global, and environmental constraints.
CO2: Ability to plan, monitor, and manage project schedules, resources, and work assignments to ensure timely completion.
CO3: Ability to test and defend the performance of the implemented project and understand the Implications of the solution.
CO4: Perform professionally as a team member, accepting responsibility, taking initiative, and providing the leadership necessary to ensure Project success.
CO5: Ability to use formal and informal Communication with team members and guide, make presentations, and prepare technical documents.