Faculty Performance Appraisal and Development System (FPADS)

Institution puts great emphasis on staff performance appraisal. The Self Appraisal Form (SAF) have been derived considering:

  • Personal Data

  • Self-Assessment Report

  • Report, Review and Assessment to be filled by the Reporting authority, Reviewing and accepting authority respectively.

Annual Performance Reports formats are being issued to the faculties every academic year to get their performance assessment for the previous year. In case of adverse remarks in the Annual Performance Report, the employees are counseled and provided training to improve efficiency.

Satisfactory Annual performance reports of the employees are being taken into consideration for extending the benefits like CAS promotions for teaching staff, Time Bound promotions and continuation of service & enhancement of pay of the employees. The annual performance review and the subsequent rating of an employee is an important factor in the grant of annual increments, performance awards and career advancement opportunities.

The Staff Appraisal method has motivated the faculty to:

  • Academic result and involvement (video notes)

  • Academic achievement.

  • Publications (in Journal/ Conferences/Book/Patent)

  • Participate in FDP/ Workshop/Seminar/ Conference/STTP

  • Participation as a Resource Person in training program, conferences, seminar

  • Details of UG/PG/PhD students guided

  • Extra-curricular and Promotional Activities.

  • Other Administrative/ Academic Work.

Appraisal System

Implementation and effectiveness of Appraisals

The college has a comprehensive Staff performance appraisal and development system.

  • The self-appraisal form is collected after completion of academic year.

  • The self-appraisal report is evaluated by the Head of the Department and forwarded to the Principal.

  • The Principal/ Director reviews the performance of the faculty and provides feedback for further corrections/improvements and awarded rating from 1 to 5 on basis of the above said parameters to each faculty member.

  • On the basis of rating final appraisal and promotion is listed and submitted before BOG for final approval.

  • On the recommendation of BOG, Principal issues the final Increment/promotion letters.

  • Counseling has been done by the HOD of the respective department and Principal for the faculty who has obtained feedback below the desired points and constructive feedback is given to faculties.

  • Objective way to the performance reviews is to offer scope for grading and rewarding the faculty members every semester.

  • Finally, all the faculty members have to give their commitments in teaching learning methods, research, industry connect, co-curricular activities for the upcoming academic years. Teaching Excellence Awards are given based on the above-mentioned parameters and outstanding contribution.