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- Teaching Learning Process
The process of teaching learning and evolution
Allocation of subjects to the faculty based on their specialization by the HODs
Preparation of college Academic Calendar
Appointment of year coordinator and class in-charges for effective monitoring of the academics
Preparation of lecture plans & blown-up
Preparation of target result for the departments
Preparation of time table
Preparation and distribution of study material i.e. lecture notes, PPT’s and digital notes to the students and submission of assignment/tutorial questions by the students
Classroom teaching by giving lectures with discussions, chalk & talk, OHPs, PPTs, Group discussions, quiz, seminars, visual aids, models, videos, NPTEL course materials etc.,
Submission of course coverage through the weekly report by the faculties to the HOD ’s and further forwarded to the principal after review.
Conduct of Unit Tests, Internal Tests and Model Exams
Checking of Assignments, unit test, Internal tests and model exams.
Submission of Schedule for Special Classes
Conduction of regular class committee meeting comprises of HOD’s, faculties and the students to assess the quality of teaching and other academics and non-academic activities
Conducting Tutorial classes for analytical subjects
Arranging Guest lecturer for students relevant to their current courses
Guiding and motivating students to do innovative projects
Arranging in-plant training for the students to have industry interaction
Conduct of software training and Value added courses for the students to fill the Academic and industrial gap.
Conduct of tech-club activities like seminars, quiz and group discussion to help the students towards placement
Appreciation for the rank holders by gifting them books, cash awards and special prizes in annual function
Communicate the parents about the attendance shortage of their wards.
Intimating the parents about the academic performance of their ward after completion of the Internal Assessments Test and Model Exam
Conduct of Parent-Teachers Meeting every semester to obtain feedback from parents to improve the academic performance of their ward.
Conducting Analytical & Aptitude training for the students
Motivating the students to read Journals and Magazines to enhance their knowledge which in turn creates interest in Research & Innovations
Motivating student teams to participate in conferences, symposium, workshops, paper presentations held in other institutions
Conducting Mock online aptitude and Mock Interviews for the Final Year students aspiring for placement