Arya Computing Facilities

To abide by the state of the-art Infrastructure, ARYA College of Engineering-ACE has made available highest number of personal computers equipped with the latest soft wares and connected to the latest accessories and services and other gadgets under one roof. The Labs are equipped with latest soft wares which include different Language Compilers, Operating Systems, Visual Studios, and packages for academics and administrative Purposes.

Arya has high-end servers with high-speed processor and colored monitors.. All the technological resources at Arya Group of Colleges are upgraded frequently to ensure that students are finely tuned to current trends in the World of technical advancements. In fact, every student gets ample time per week for hands-on computing experience as part of a guided learning session under the supervision of an expert faculty member. In addition to this session, each student is free to pursue computing activities at his or her preferred time, for the duration of his or her choice.

  • Completely Wi-Fi Campus.
  • 45 Mbps of bandwidth for internet with dedicated leased line.
  • Powerful servers for 100% redundancy and efficient data management.
  • 10 Km OFC backbone for providing seamless connectivity.
  • High end firewall security featured network.
  • 24hrs Power Back Up –for Online uninterrupted power supply (UPS & Generator).
  • Central Computing Lab Facility.
  • All Computers on Microsoft Original & Genuine Software under Microsoft Campus Agreement.
Operating System Simulation Lab
Compiler Design Lab
C Programming Lab
Project Lab /R&D Lab
Database Lab