Development and Application of Quality Benchmarks / Parameters for various Academic and Administrative Activities of the Institution.
Develop, Maintain and regularly update the QMS as the document of all the processes involved in the Academic and Administrative Activities and the forms to Implement the Process.
All the Departments, with the Teaching and Non-teaching Faculty, carry out the Activities as per the Processes and Norms.
Facilitating the Creation of a Learner-Centric Environment Conducive to Quality Education and Faculty Maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for Participatory Teaching and Learning Process.
Organization of Inter and Intra-Institutional Workshops, Seminars on Quality Improvement and Promotion of Quality Circles.
Development and Maintenance of Institutional Database for the purpose of Maintaining / Enhancing the Institutional Quality.
Implementation of e-Governance Services for the Effective Functioning of Administrative and Academic Activities of the Institution.
Development of Quality Culture in the Institution.
Conduct Course Coordinators Meeting / Analysis of Unit Tests / Internal Assessment Tests / Model Examinations / University Examinations.
Recommendation of Remedial Measures to HOD and Faculty of the Departments to Improve the Performance of the Students.
Collecting Feedback (through Class Committee Meetings) from the Students on the Teaching Effectiveness of the Faculty.
Suggesting / recommending the Measures to Improve the Teaching Effectiveness through FDPs, Workshops, Seminar, Conferences, etc.
Satisfaction of Stakeholders by collecting Feedback from Students, Parents, Alumni, & Industry, and actions are taken to ensure that the college satisfies all its stakeholders.
The Committee shall take care of Quality Assurance Strategies and Processes basis of Feedback Report submitted by Academic Committee.
Monitoring & Measurement of Processes and Products - Continuous measurement and monitoring of the processes are done to identify appropriate corrective action to ensure conformity of service./p>
The IQAC shall be an integral part of the Institute which shall work towards realizing the Goals of Quality Enhancement by Developing Systems for conscious, consistent & catalytic improvement in different aspects of functioning of the institute.
TheIQAC enables the Institution to Focus on its Mission and never falter from their goal.